dental plaque index

Zur Messung des Plaque-Index werden die Zähne mit einem harmlosen Lebensmittelfarbstoff bestrichen der bakterielle Beläge anfärbt. To record the OPI the dentition is divided into sextants.

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The choice of an index system to be used in plaque trials should be made in terms of the objective of the trial the size of the population the period of the study and the type and extent of change anticipated.

. Vorheriger Begriff zurück zur Übersicht. Mostly plaque is disclosed and the amount of which is clinically recorded and scored in defined areas of the tooth. The indices currently in use estimate the quantity of plaque in terms of tooth area covered or the thickness of material in the area measured.

Im Gegensatz zum API gibt der Plaqueindex an wie viel Plaque an den Zahnoberflächen haftet. English Español Português Français Italiano Svenska Deutsch. The ideal score is 00.

Plaque index PI The PI as developed by Silness and Loe assesses the thickness of plaque at the cervical margin of the tooth closest to the gum. 32 There appears to be no differences between patients verbally instructed to avoid. Speichel Gingiva Mund.

Disturbances in oral and dental structures in patients with pediatric lymphoma after chemotherapyA preliminary report. Der Plaque-Index gibt an wie hoch der Belagsgrad der Zähne ist. Plaque covering at least one-third but less than two-thirds of the crown of the tooth.

Mithilfe einer Färbelösung oder einer Sonde wird entschieden ob interdentale Plaque am jeweiligen Messpunkt vorhanden ist. The easiest system for this is the Periodontal Health Index PHI. Plaqueindex als Belags-Index der Plaque an Zähnen als weicher Zahnbelag Biofilm.

The most commonly used procedure is measuring plaque levels using clinical index systems 2 3. Each tooth is dried and examined visually using. Four areas distal facial or buccal mesial and lingual are examined.

Skip to main content. An index for estimating the status of oral hygiene by measuring dental plaque that occurs in the areas adjacent to the gingival margin. Bei Patienten ab 10 Jahren wird der Plaque häufig der Plaqueindex nach Quigley und Hein QHI.

Recent papers in Dental Plaque Index. Der Approximalraum-Plaqueindex API ist eine Messgröße zur Bewertung der Plaqueansammlung in den Zahnzwischenräumen. Dental-Plaque-Index Parodontalindex Mundhygiene Zähneputzen Zahnmedizinische Versorgung Zahnsteinbeseitigung Mundhygieneindex Zahnpflegegeräte Hausgebrauch Zahngesundheitsprophylaxe DMF-Index Wurzelglättung Zahnmedizinische Versorgung chronisch Kranker Zahnmedizinische Versorgung für Kinder Kieferorthopädische Apparate.

Plaque indices have been used as a marker for the presence of gingivitis because supragingival plaque is a known risk factor for inflammation. Damit ist erkennbar wie gut die individuelle Zahnputztechnik geeignet ist und wo sie verbessert werden könnte. This approach has a long tradition but a major disadvantage is that the clinical examination is not image-based.

This is the number of pockets over the number of bleeding points. The OPI focuses on the tooth area in the immediate vicinity of the bracket since additional and relatively inaccessible plaque niches arise at these sites. The Silness and Loe and the.

Startseite Fragen und Antworten Statistiken Spenden Kontakt Datenschutz. A band of plaque wider than one mm but covering less than one-third of the crown of the tooth. Plaqueindex Der Plaqueindex ist eine Messzahl zur Bestimmung des Außmaßes bakterieller Zahnbeläge.

Summe verschmutzter Flächen in Relation zur Summe der untersuchten Flächen ergibt den aktuellen API bzw. Um den Plaqueindex zu bestimmen werden die Zähne in der Regel mit Plaqueindikator Färbetabletten eingefärbt. The bacterial plaque developer solution was used to define cumulative amounts of plaque with criteria from 0 to 5.

Once the values of the individual teeth are recorded they are added and divided by the number of teeth examined to. The Orthodontic Plaque Index OPI is a special index for patients with fixed orthdontic appliances. A thin continuous band of plaque up to one mm at the cervical margin of the tooth.

Approximal Plaque Index ist die Messung der Plaqueansammlung bakterieller Zahnbelag pro Zahnzwischenraum nach Anfärben. Suche nach medizinischen Informationen. Indexes between 20 and 40 with a failure rate of 929 compared with 364 in patients with an index less than 20.

The most frequently referenced measure of supragingival plaque is the Plaque Index or PlI. To calculate a patients PHI count the number of pockets recorded and the number of bleeding. The one study that reported plaque and gingival indexes at the time of insertion found significantly higher failure rates in patients with increased gingival indexes.

Similar to the GI the PlI is scored on four sites per tooth. Measure used to determine plaque score. Its hard to get excited about a few fours and bleeding but totals have a different impact.

The plaque index assesses the amount of dental plaque visible on the vestibular and lingual surfaces of all teeth except the third molars. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of chemotherapy on oral and dental structures and craniofacial growth in 30 survivors of. 27 The PlI is similar to the Gingival Index and uses an ordinal scale of 0 to 3.

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